Auto Case History
How the Glennon Agency Works for You... A Case History
Attention to detail adds up to $500,000 for a client.
The aftermath of an auto accident involving serious injury can last for years. Sometimes, even the biggest insurance payouts don't seem to be enough.
That is what happened when client RN was involved in a head-on collision with a drunk driver. He, and one passenger in his car, were seriously injured... and the drunk driver had no insurance!
Fortunately, RN had consulted with the Glennon Agency and obtained the right amount of uninsured motorists coverage of which he needed... and he and the other occupant of his car received $250,000 each. Not enough, perhaps, to make up for the trauma, but a poorly written policy could have meant a lot less money.
Your state mandates minimum coverage for all drivers. It's seldom enough. Just ask RN.
Ask us, too. We're always ready to answer questions @ 1-866-GLENNON.
Plus, ask us how simply combining Auto and Home Insurance with one company can save you as much as 10% off your auto premium costs!